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Pats fans: Is their a limit to your support?

Question by Bentley: Pats fans: Is their a limit to your support?
We know the following: The Patriots were caught cheating, they ran up the score on more than one opponent, their MVP abandoned his pregnant girlfriend, and Belichick has a number of less than admirable personal issues. OTOH, they’ve set numerous records and won every game this year, plus are heavily favored to win the Super Bowl. My question is, is there any line which they might cross where you would abandon them? For example, if they had been caught breaking into the Jets’ office to steal a playbook, would you shrug that off? Or if they’d pulled a Tonya Harding and hired someone to injure an opposing QB before the game. Or even if they’d been caught issuing an assassination contract against an opposing player or coach. Or _______ fill in the blank.

Is there a limit? Thanks for any thoughtful replies.

Best answer:

Answer by G
Would they support the team if they found out Tom Brady was a homosexicle?

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