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Party With Betty Boop and Grandpa – Music by Heirstyle

Betty Boop goes to grandpas house for a party. Accompanied by Heirstyle, a great electroglam funk band, Betty parties hearty until she can party no more. I love this song and had never heard it until I ran across it on the Internet. Don’t know if it is a huge hit, but it should be. Maybe people will want to hear it in my video now. Heirstyle information: and also at This music is released with a Creative Commons license that allows you to download it at and use it in your own video. But you must attribute your source as part of the licensing agreement, just like I am here. This works for everyone and gives the band more exposure. Great for videos. This video is licensed by a Creative Commons 3.0 non-commercial, attribution, share alike license.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Yep it is getting harder and harder for the little guy to do videos, I got a couple videos that either got a warning or would not upload because of the “Rejected (terms of use violation) warning”, This seems to be a normal thing now on YouTube. Sure wish there was a way for YouTube to know we or most of us are just here to have fun or what ever not here to make money off someone else music or what ever….. well not me anyways.