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Organizers pleased with turnout for Maple Festival

Julia Othmer cat club 001
music contract
Image by StewartJames

I have been working stage lighting in the high contract effect that your working for and with… and sometime against. Focus is seen as the problem but the soft focus is something you have to work hard to eliminate as the movement and harsh lighting of the stage are not set up for the camera but the human eye and dramatic effects the bands and the those who promote the events are creating… While working these differrent venues… I am getting better… It is interesting to find out what the vocalist like in my work… the artist in them find the photo’s with the movement communicates there emotional effect the find in my work… The colors at times get washed out do to the speed of movement and the metering points move faster then thethe shuter can react… this is the nature of the event and the subject… I know I am pushing the equipment the the limits… it is where I love to be and will continue to do the work…

Organizers pleased with turnout for Maple Festival
Remarks about the rainy, windy weather at last weekend’s Geauga County Maple Festival in Chardon were quickly quelled by festival President JR Blanchard.
Read more on The News-Herald

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