Online BookStore QUestions?
Question by crystisbooks: Online BookStore QUestions?
want to begin my own online e-book store in which I offer a place for traditional published authors and self-published authors to sell their books, magazine, and music in a completely paperless manner. I am going to charge 5% of each book sold for my fees, and I wondering about two things.
1. Is the percentage to high?
2. To How do I go about paying both the self-publishers and publishing companies for the books they sold. Do I pay them with check or paypal. What do I do?
6 minutes ago – 3 days left to answer.
Best answer:
Answer by raina_vissora
You will first have to get in touch with the publishers (or a distributer who already has deals with multiple publishers, which would probably be a lot less work) and obtain permission to sell their product in a paperless format. It will likely require you entering into a legal contract with them, which is where they will specify payment details. You will also probably be limited in what you can distribute electronically. Some publishers and certain authors do not allow digital reproductions of their work.
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