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Nothing Ever Hurt Like Your Goodbye by ViCindy

Composer: Victor M. Bartolomeo & Cynthia S. Evans Live performance by Original Music Artists ViCindy April 1st 1990 Along the Florida Homosassa River (Indian word for river of 1000 fish) under the white oaks we rehearse our song Your Good-bye with a dear old friend, Pat Ellis from Rhode Island. During our travels we met many talented people such as Pat. Here we are in the last rays of the Golf Coast sun, set up with our pa system and our real old Gibson Guitars. Nothing Ever Hurt Like Your Good-bye is the 4th song on our Beside Me album recorded in 2007 and you can hear the new version at below link. We are running a special on CD Baby. For .00 you can download all 10 MP3 songs on the Beside Me album. We are on iTunes Napster and Rhapsody you can also find us at many other music links that you may be a member of. Special thanks to our dear friend, RJ Dunn for converting this old film memory to DVD. The song Nothing Ever Hurt Like Your Good-bye also called Your Good-bye is recommended for movies film, commercials or individual performing artists. It has a theme pertaining to the unreturned lover, soldier or friend. It is a warm and tender ballad for rock, country, folk or bluegrass artist. Wanted: Independent Music Promotion. Music Producers. Music Marketing. Song Pitching or Song Plugging. Ambitious People connected to the Music Business or everyday folks that can submit our Original Music Artist material to
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CASUAL UNPLUGGED ACOUSTIC GUITAR WITH MY VOICE AND THE DRUM MACHINE: Casual unplugged acoustic guitar and vocal live performance video with my synthesizer and drum machine’s acoustic sound from it’s own speakers live performance video. I’vealso started Music Video Production. & Guy Jamison Wood’s MUSIC BUSINESS DETAILS: Greetings !!! My name is, Guy Jamison Wood. AKA ~ DREXER ~ My self-composed and self-produced album, SHIFT-MINE-ACRIMINA is on sail that including lyrics, my self-produced live videos, and self-produced music videos for my self-produced live videos is located @ ReverbNation’s Digital Distribution. An investment for data storage of my music that is on sail for .99 each and .69 ringtones of 124 songs. All 124 songs are also on sail for my album SHIFT-MINE-ACRIMINA for only .50 on ALL INTERNET WEB MUSIC SAIL WEB URL’s from iTunes – Amazon !!! MOST OF ALL OF MY BEST WORK IS LOCATED @ MY HOME PAGE IS @ ” ALL ” OF MY VIDEOS ARE LOCATED @ All media is protected by a Legal Copyright Contract in the Las Angeles, California, US, located in the LA County Court System and City Hall under: © 2005 DREXER SHIFT-DRIFTER All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized Duplication Without Permission Is Prohibited and Punishable By ALL Applicable Laws From The State Of California.
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