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Need Press Kit ideas ASAP?
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Need Press Kit ideas ASAP?

Question by professaditty: Need Press Kit ideas ASAP?
Today I talked to some major producer’s and distribution companies who are interested in hearing our music and getting it to the radio. They want us to send them a Press Kit, Demo CD, Footage, and photo’s. I just want to see what kind of idea’s the people have in putting together a Press Kit that stands out. What kind of Bio should we write, and what type of things are these guys looking for? This is for HipHop group.

Best answer:

Answer by asilva1312
Perhaps you should get a Website that contains all of these things. I’m not in the music industry so I do not know about Press Kits but you should definitely have a Website that conveys and shows off your group. Get is professionally done. Website got to have the right feeling to it. If you in the MD area, try http://pecomputers.com/

As for your Bio, I would be looking for what inspired you to the type of music you make and what drives you. You have to show that you are very passionate. It’s not easy to write it well the first time so get feedback from others.

Best of luck to you!

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