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Myspace Music for bands agreement?

Question by † gnosis †: Myspace Music for bands agreement?
Myspace for bands says they will soon have a way to sell my original tracks if I do not have an agreement with myspace music.

Umm, can anyone tell me how I CAN get an agreement with myspace music? I can only find links telling me what to do if I dont have an agreement, but nothing about the missing agreement and how to get it.
So, how would you di it if you don’t trust snowcap?
This isnt actually for me – a friend asked me to set this up for her. And I am not really that into myspace in the first place so i am kinda lost.

Best answer:

Answer by hidden229
Is this with snowcap ?

I believe after you give them your credit card info they will allow you to sell your songs through them . I don’t trust them so I don’t sell my music that way

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