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my dream in life is to become a music producer/recording artist you, know like in a studio… i need advice?

Question by Kev: my dream in life is to become a music producer/recording artist you, know like in a studio… i need advice?
Like i said, my dream/goal in life is to become a music producer/recording artist like in a studio. I love music and this is no doubt what i want to be… but im not sure if i have to go to a certain type of school for that and if so, what is a school that offers in that kind of feild? any other info about how to start in that career would be nice too. thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Muchacho Loco
I am an audio engineer myself. I graduated from the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences in Tempe, AZ. Here is the webpage. Check it out.

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