my crooked lawyer is so fired…help?
Question by jas: my crooked lawyer is so fired…help?
what are some questions to ask a NEW lawyer regarding conflict of interest btwn an atty you already have and another party?
i’ll explain. i am a music artist. a lawyer who use to be my professor volunteered to rep me and waived my retainer fee as a favor. we verbally agreed he’d take 10% of transactions he had to negotiate on my behalf between us and other artists. he subsequently took on a job and has been dragging out the process for 3 months so as to make contacts and network with the other parties FOR HIS OWN PERSONAL REASONS (he accidentally admitted to me). the work i did is worth $ 2000, no reason to drag this out since he’s only getting $ 200.
however, unethically he allowed a label that was interested in me to hire him on so he could help them with building their label. instead of the label hiring their OWN atty to give my lawyer a contract for me to sign to them (so he could fight fo me and negotiate for me), my own lawyer worked on THE LABEL’S behalf
and brought me the contracts HIMSELF, also tricking me into signing the “short form” by fast talking me. at the time i didn’t know he was working for the label and he never told me of the conflict of intrest, therefore i never signed anything saying i approve of it.
and i know the contract happens to be poorly drafted so there’s many loophole, so what questions do i ask a NEW lawyer as far as how to GO ABOUT getting out of this contract?
here’s 2 pics of it:
Best answer:
Answer by Terri M
You need to find a professional malpractice attorney. Call the bar association and get some referrals.
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