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My contract with Satan expires this month?

Question by BrokenEye, the Straw Man version: My contract with Satan expires this month?
And I’m thinking of negotiating better terms for the renewed contract. If absolutely necessary, I’m going to threaten to get my evil from Set, Loki, or Kali instead of from him. I figure that will probably work, as devil figures seem like the greedy type, and he’ll probably want to keep me from taking my business elsewhere.

Only problem is, I’m not actually sure what to ask for. I’m no musician, so the traditional golden fiddle is out of the question, and I’m not really that concerned about my appearance, so asking him to make me amazingly good looking or something would be really giving him the better half of the deal.

Any suggestions? Normally I’d get a lawyer to help me with this sort of thing, but he’s already got all of them working for him.
@Lynzi@ Why? Do you have a crush on Satan?

Best answer:

Answer by byHisgrace
If you don’t work for Jesus, then you work for satan.

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