my band and I were contracted by another musician to play a large festival in NYC,he claims the check was lost?
Question by ckrtagntmn: my band and I were contracted by another musician to play a large festival in NYC,he claims the check was lost?
This was over seven weeks ago.he claims the check was lost and has given conflicting information to different people.
We believe the check was cashed by him but need to trace it and prove he took possession.The Borough office was the sponsor of the concert.Can we sue? Who should be contacted for information about the check
Best answer:
Answer by Soul Boogers
Well first, call the bank and ask if the check was cashed, if it was, simply call the NYC police, give them all the information you guys know about him, such as the email or whatever he contacted you with, and where he had you send the check. You may be able to get the money back, or maybe sue, law isn’t something I know much about, so I don’t know whether you would be able to sue or not, but you may be able to, maybe ask again in the law section?
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