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music management/ merchandising college major?

Question by D.: music management/ merchandising college major?
okay so i’m a senior in high school and i’m pretty interested in majoring in something that has to do with the music scene. i’m thinking more along the lines of tour managing or working for a record company in their a&r division. i’m trying to find colleges that have majors for this and good internship opportunities/ connections. i was looking at NYU but then it said for their music business major they require and audition that requires you to sing and stuff? that really confused me because i can’t sing nor can i professionally play an instrument but that really shouldn’t matter if i want to work in the background of tours or the production area right? anyone with any advice or help will be much appreciated. thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Naught Lare
My absolute best advice would be to move to LA. That is where the internships are. They have several good business schools, and at least one probably has a specialty for you. Call their recruiters and see which is right for you.

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