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Music Jobs……..??

Question by Nikki <3: Music Jobs……..??
I’m trying to get ready for college and I want to do something with music.
I have been slowing eliminating things, because I’m not sure with Music Therapy or being a Band Director. I’m trying to hear if their are any other jobs that require the passion and love for music. Anyone have any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by beingsmartisrelative
Oh, I hope you get the chance to do something with music. I did not make enough to pay my bills but if you can…more power to you.

I think that Music Therapy is a good field. You will pay more for the education than you will make in salary but you will be very happy. Being a band director is pretty neat, as well. You can also write jingles for advertising agencies, work as a studio musician, or if you are lucky, work in hollywood producing tv or movie scores.

Good luck…

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