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Music industry working on global copyright database

Andrew Jackson Jihad & Bomb The Music Industry! @ HOH 3.14.10 – 18
music industry
Image by elawgrrl
Andrew Jackson Jihad and Bomb The Music Industry play Harvest of Hope, St. Johns County Fairgrounds in St. Augustine, Florida on March 14, 2010.

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Music industry working on global copyright database
The music industry is working to create a global repertoire database to make it easier and faster for new online music services to come to market.
Read more on Reuters via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News

Pirates have upper hand as music industry meets
Thousands of music industry executives are to meet at its annual trade fair to search for new ways to make fans pay for recordings and to turn the tide against digital piracy.
Read more on AFP via Yahoo! Singapore News

Music industry backing for HMV
HMV has received a boost from the music industry after the bosses of several major record labels pledged their support for the under-pressure chain.
Read more on Express and Star