Music Industry?
Question by skaterfan93: Music Industry?
Im a huge fan of music. I love music. Right now im attending high school & i want to do something that involves music.
What are some career choices i can possibly consider?
I want to do something i love doing, but i also need to make money.
(details please.) thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by germanscanlon
There are tons of career choices out there that involve music, particluarly with all of the different types of music out there. I’m guessing you like fairly mainstream popular music (rock/pop/metal, whatever you want to call it), though, so I’ll stick to that.
First and foremost, options include songwriter and/or musician, be it in a touring band or as a professional studio session player. It sounds like you want something stable, however, and want to make money, though — so those are pretty much out.
You can work in music journalism, be a publicist, be a manager, work for a record label, or even go to law school and become an entertainment lawyer. Other options include working in retail, be it opening your own music store, or working in someone else’s. You can also work technical jobs, like installing sound systems, etc. Another option is to work in recording – either as an engineer/producer for a studio, or open your own studio and run it.
The main thing is to determine where your strengths lie and develop skills around those strengths. If you’re very technical, and have a mechanical mind, go the tech route. If you’re more of a reader/writer, you might do well as an entertainment lawyer. I would encourage college no matter the route, a strong work ethic, and a realization that you basically have to start at the very bottom and work your way up.
Also, never stop playing guitar and whatever other instrument(s) you may play – don’t forget or lose sight of the passion for music that drives you now. Many I know who made a career out of music find it to be sometimes very frustrating as it is no longer just their hobby and now is their meal ticket.
As a final note, you don’t necessarily have to do something in music to 1) do something you love, and 2) make money. While it’s important to enjoy your job, it doesn’t have to be your hobby. I have a completely non-musical job that I really enjoy, and can still play music on the side as a hobby and, more importantly, on my own terms without worrying about it putting the next meal on the table.
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