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MISSING CHILDREN : Canadian Missing Children Abducted to Europe Poland – Watkins Missing Children

ALERT ! – International Abducted Missing Children : WATKINS MISSING CHILDREN – HAVE YOU SEEN US ? Contact your local POLICE who will contact Interpol CHRISTOPHER & ALEXANDER WATKINS Have been internationally abducted ! Please help to SHARE this video with everyone ! Official WWW: Official Twitter Official MySpace: Official FaceBook: WORLD-WIDE ALERT : WANTED HAVE YOU SEEN ? Edyta ( Ustaszewski ) Watkins Edyta may also go by the names: EDITH WATKINS – EDYTA WATKINS – EDYTA USTASZEWSKI – ALEXANDRA WATKINS ( Hair may be cut Short and Dyed Blond ) – – INTERPOL – – EDYTA ( USTASZEWSKI ) WATKINS – RED NOTICE : ALEXANDER & CHRISTOPHER WATKINS – YELLOW NOTICE : INTERPOL E-MAIL: (Case #: F-159/4-2009) WATKINS ABDUCTION STORY : On March 6th 2009 on a court ordered weekend visit, Alexander & Christopher Watkins were abducted by their non-custodial Mother Edyta (Ustaszewski) Watkins. Abducted from Canada into the USA then Europe Edyta abducted the children using the children’s Canadian Passports which were Ordered by the Courts to be returned. She entered the USA with the children, boarded an Airline and illegally entered GERMANY using a “Canceled” Canadian Passport. Alexander & Christopher has permanently resided with their Father since December 2007 due to concerns of mental & physical abuse at the hands of their Mother. The Children’s Aid apprehended the children from her care and Edyta’s parental rights
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