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Matt’s TV Week in Review

Matt’s TV Week in Review
Much of the TV landscape is, and has always been, devoted to comfort-food formula. Some of us, though, live for those moments when a show breaks formula and delivers the unexpected. This week gave us some excellent examples of that in the most popular …

Matt’s TV Week in Review
Much of the TV landscape is, and has always been, devoted to comfort-food formula. Some of us, though, live for those moments when a show breaks formula and delivers the unexpected. This week gave us some excellent examples of that in the most popular formula of the moment: the crime/police drama. Want more Matt Roush? Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine now! First, TNT’s Southland , which really …
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On Leadership, Teams, Success & Happiness
Lately the topic of leadership & teams has been coming up a lot in my daily life. Some investors are team focused, others market focused, others seems to look for product / market fit. I’m in the team centric sphere so every investment decision I make first & foremost centers on this plane.
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