management and neighbors?
Question by ツ: management and neighbors?
i need help with my upstairs neighbor they are so annoying
i can hear the kids jump up and down at all time of the day and about 2 or 3 times a month they have these all night parties from like 10pm to like 7am I have called the police on many occasions but they just turn down the music for a little while and then begin again.
Finally on friday i got fed up and told the owner/manager I called him like 10pm and told him about the noise but that well did nothing they still partied till 4am
So today monday I’m calling the owner again and well thought of 3 options
1 He moves me to another unit
2 He makes a contract with the woman stating they will have no parties after 12/1 am
3 He refunds my deposit and i get the hell out of there
On my lease it states that no neighbor unreasonably should disturb the peace
What do you think do you think the owner would go for any 3 options?
Best answer:
Answer by hollifieldrobert
if management does not stop the neighbors from disturbing you either by telling them or evicting them then they are breaking the lease agreement or better yet after they get done parting at 7am wait til 7.30am after they go to sleep and crank up your stereo full blast and go to the mall store park work and leave it on all day what good for the goose is good for the gander
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