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DIRT – Mallory Switch GB Sound (Pirames International) Directed & Edited – (serial) Kino Pelliconi DOP – Andrea Terragni Make up Artist – Lina Montanari Production supervisor – Francesco Grassi Producer – Emanuela “Penny” Zoccali Motiongraphic e FX – Sergio Di Bitetto Sound FX – Francesco Grassi Executive Producer – GB Sound Written by Barbara Giovinazzo e serial Kino Pelliconi Art Direction – Barbara Giovinazzo e serial Kino Pelliconi Styling – Barbara Giovinazzo, Cristina Audisio Promotions Agent – Tunefit Group & Kaimaiaz Srl Digital Distribution – Pirames International Srl Location – Qubico – Concept Store (Como, Italy) Produced and Post-produced at Mach2Azione studios San Francisco, April 2007 // Categories: Cultural Production Cohen discusses technological trends and how changes in the cost of production and distribution are playing out in the areas of music, film and computer gaming. He analyzes how the respective business models of those industries leave them with different possibilities to adapt to the new environment.
Video Rating: 4 / 5