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Make It Happen – Vancouver Film School (VFS)

Created by Vancouver Film School student Wael Halabi Hakim through the VFS Entertainment Business Management program Producer: Wael Halabi Hakim. Director/ Editor: Sencer Yalcin Director Of Photography: Brendan Preston Lyrics: Tonye Aganaba Assistant Director:Bhadnet Kahsay Camera Operators: Luca Grivet Brancot & Ragavendran Avanashilingam. Production Assistant: Bianca Versteeg Music: Tobias Schuch and Tonye Aganaba.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Rhapsody’s VP of Business Management Neil Smith talks about Rhapsody post the MTV-merger and his thoughts on a possible iTunes subscription service. He also talks about ad supported models and gives his views on the recently launched MySpace Music JV with the record labels.
Video Rating: 5 / 5