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Los Angeles teachers union seeks to block test of evaluation program

Los Angeles teachers union seeks to block test of evaluation program
Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy appeared to have momentum in the effort to revise educator evaluations in the LAUSD, but the teachers union is digging in its heels. Even before he officially took over the top job at the Los Angeles school district in April, John Deasy said one of his top priorities was overhauling teacher evaluations.
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Why You Should Think Very Seriously Before Expressing Political Views at Airport Security
May. 22 2011 – 2:48 pm | 634 views | 0 recommendations | 3 comments Think twice about expressing political views — including citing the Bill of Rights — the next time you go through airport security. That’s exactly what Aaron Tobey did, and he paid the price.
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Robin van Persie has faith in Arsène Wenger’s ‘total football’ model
• Arsenal can emulate Barcelona’s success, says Van Persie • Club top scorer happy to play on as a lone striker Robin van Persie believes that Arsène Wenger’s modern take on Dutch Total Football can yield the silverware that Arsenal crave. The club have finished empty-handed for the sixth season in succession and the supporters are deeply frustrated. Some of them booed the players during the lap …
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