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Looking to get a website for my hip hop/r&b music production company?

Question by spellboundbeats: Looking to get a website for my hip hop/r&b music production company?
I am looking to get a website built for my music prouction (hip hop and r&b). I’m looking for a site similar to the link pasted below

Best answer:

Answer by klain68
I wanted my own website, so I used .ws This costs 10.00 per month and has hosting, email accounts, site builders, ftp uploads, etc. It’s great. You get a 7-day free trial, too. The best part of this is you can choose virtually ANY name. I used my first and last name for mine. You will also earn money while having your website. It’s pretty cool and does work, believe it or not. I am still in the process of building my site, as I don’t know what all I want on it, but so far it’s coming along great. To see how it works go to:
Hope this helps.
If you want to you can email me at

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