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Limewire… Is it illegal if you DON’T share any of your music and don’t sell anything you download?

Question by Ashley P: Limewire… Is it illegal if you DON’T share any of your music and don’t sell anything you download?
I don’t share any of my music. I have tons of CDs and stuff on iTunes and no one can use them but me. Also, I don’t download music then sell it to people or anything dumb like that. Basically I just use limewire if there’s one song I really like by a band and I don’t want to buy any others. More often though I use it if there’s a band I recently heard of so I just download one or two songs. If I like them then I go to target, best buy, circuit city (or if it’s not that popular, and buy the CD. Is this still illegal? Answers from knowledgable people (not just people with a preconcieved notion and no facts to support it) would be preffered! =) thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Jessie.
sure it’s illegal, but no one gets caught.

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