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Nintendo unveils 3DS Netflix, Super Mario at GDC
Netflix and Super Mario are coming to the Nintendo 3DS. At Nintendo’s keynote presentation Wednesday morning at Game Developers Conference, the company said that the streaming movie service would be available on its new handheld game system in late summer. But perhaps more pertinent to the gamers in attendance was the news that the team behind the stellar Super Mario Galaxy is creating a new …
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Apple chief Steve Jobs launches iPad 2
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs emerged from medical leave on Wednesday to unveil a new version of the iPad.
Read more on The Age

Apple CEO Steve Jobs breaks from medical leave to unveil iPad 2
SAN FRANCISCO – Apple is back with a refined second-generation tablet computer that squeezes more power into a thinner shell while keeping prices in check. It’s a three-pronged push that should handily hold off competitors for another year. | See photo gallery.
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