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The bell tolls for boomers
In a year when 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day, the influx of senior citizens affects the labor force in ways not envisioned before the Great Recession.
Read more on Pikes Peak Courier View

It’s always time for Christmas
By now you’ve put away all the Christmas decorations, filed the cards and put those CDs back on the shelf for next December. The only remnant of Christmas in your life may be the outside lights, the ones that won’t come down until the snow is good and gone, and maybe not even then.[…]
Read more on The Brantford Expositor

It’s always time for Christmas
By now you’ve put away all the Christmas decorations, filed the cards and put those CDs back on the shelf for next December. The only remnant of Christmas in your life may be the outside lights, the ones that won’t come down until the snow is good and gone, and maybe not even then.[…]
Read more on The Brantford Expositor