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Chauvin shrimpers celebrate annual rite
CHAUVIN — As the Maycie Brooke pulled away, its rigging and hull adorned with black-and-gold streamers shining in the Sunday-afternoon light, Tracie Defelice said she wanted to cry.
Read more on The Houma Courier

Analysis: Who’s ‘Too Old?’ – Sony’s Portable Identity Crisis
If Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton was aiming to stir a hornet’s nest with his comments last week that Nintendo’s handhelds were a “great babysitting tool,” he succeeded. Gamers around the web seemed incensed when the consumer press picked up on Tretton’s assertion that “self-respecting 20-somethings” are “too old” for Nintendo’s portable. But at the same time, his comments …
Read more on Gamasutra