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Latest Record Labels News

IFF: high sugar prices are driving reformulation demands
During IFF’s recent third quarter earnings call, John Roberts, research analyst at US-based Buckingham Research asked management whether “record global sugar prices” were driving reformulation activity amongst customers, even despite US market moves to replace high fructose corn syrup with sugar in some products.
Read more on Food Navigator USA

Outrage, not disappointment, should be response to fraud
Perhaps John W. Forbes II should have been stamped with a graphic warning label before he was allowed to have anything to do with Virginia’s beleaguered tobacco belt. You’ve seen the proposed Food and Drug Administration labels for cigarette packs depicting shocking images of addiction: rotting teeth, festering lip lesions …
Read more on Richmond Times-Dispatch

Cigarette warnings to get graphic
In the first major change to cigarette packaging in a quarter-century, the FDA will require graphic warning labels that cover half a package’s front and rear and the top 20% of cigarette ads. The labels will feature illustrations of smoking’s dangers.
Read more on Chicago Tribune