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Latest Music Industry News

Andrew Jackson Jihad & Bomb The Music Industry! @ HOH 3.14.10 – 15
music industry
Image by elawgrrl
Andrew Jackson Jihad and Bomb The Music Industry play Harvest of Hope, St. Johns County Fairgrounds in St. Augustine, Florida on March 14, 2010.

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What You Missed at SXSW 2011
Apple iPad 2 mania, group messaging, cloud-based music apps, and how to use game mechanics to change the world. That is just some of what you missed at SXSW.
Read more on PC Magazine

L.A. Reid expected to be ‘X Factor’ judge
The 54-year-old music producer will reportedly take up a place on the judging panel alongside Simon and two more yet-to-be revealed stars when auditions begin in two weeks.