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Andrew Jackson Jihad & Bomb The Music Industry! @ HOH 3.14.10 – 16
music industry
Image by elawgrrl
Andrew Jackson Jihad and Bomb The Music Industry play Harvest of Hope, St. Johns County Fairgrounds in St. Augustine, Florida on March 14, 2010.

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Expo Notes: VRM Box Provides Portable Music Studio
Focusrite showed off its new VRM Box, an ultra-portable Virtual Reference Monitoring device that lets you mix your music in different environments, through…
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Reaching Music Fans Becoming More Involved
Bands Can’t Rely Solely On CD Sales, Concerts, So They’re Turning More To Internet, Contests It used to be a simple formula for bands: Interacting with your fans meant releasing a record, doing a few interviews, going on tour and showing up for the occasional in-store appearance or backstage meet-and-greet.
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