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Mohd Shah Othman backing YWJ colleagues Abdul Rahman Kamaruddin and Datin Shima at a practice session.
I started playing the keyboard by accident way back in 1970. I was then a guitarist with a newly formed rock group The Heavy Machines, a five-piece rock and roll band in Johor Baru.
Read more on New Straits Times

Homeless shelter may be moved to Marolt housing
Aspen and Pitkin County elected leaders are considering using excess capacity at the Marolt Ranch seasonal housing complex as a shelter for the local homeless population. In a joint meeting of Aspen City Council and Pitkin County commissioners Tuesday, members of both boards said government department heads should undertake a feasibility study on the concept. read more
Read more on Aspen Daily News

Cheryl offered deal for US X Factor?
Cheryl Cole has reportedly been offered a one-year contract for the US version of ‘The X Factor’.
Read more on RTE News