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Tax hikes in plan to balance Pentucket budget
WEST NEWBURY — Hikes in elementary-school class sizes, athletic fees and the cost of school lunch — and another teaching cut at the high school — are some solutions the Pentucket Regional School Committee is looking at to cover a $ 1.5 million increase in next year’s budget.
Read more on The Daily News of Newburyport

Bond issue, new city tax on agenda
Last week’s annual Dunwoody City Council retreat put meat on the bones of outlines to raise the city’s hotel-motel tax and ask voters to approve an expansion of the city park system.
Read more on Dunwoody Crier

Who are you calling past it?
The Miriam O’Reilly case exposed ageism at the BBC – but what’s it really like for older women working in broadcasting? From Joan Bakewell (77) to Jennie Bond (60), we ask the women who know Joan Bakewell, 77 I was taken aside recently by a famous woman television figure: “I’m getting on for 50: do you think I should worry?” I was appalled to be asked the question and unsure how to answer. There …
Read more on Guardian Unlimited