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Wells of Hope asks to break on fundraiser home
PELHAM Wells of Hope has made a second pitch to town councillors for help with its house construction fundraiser.[…]
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Review: Delectable Shelter, Minotaur
Watching the development of theatre companies is a fascinating business. They are organisms subject to all the travails of being alive: growth, change, decay, death and renewal. They are networks of individual energies which seed in unexpected places, producing unexpected syntheses and collaborations. The Hayloft Project and Chamber Made Opera are cases in point. Both have had a major impact on
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Phelps COO Unexpectedly Passed Away
One of the big names in local advertising, Glenn Earl Schieke, suddenly passed away March 30, 2011 due to complications from pneumonia. Schieke was born Feb. 16, 1955. In addition to being atop of one of the largest and the second-oldest advertising agency in L.A. area, Schieke was a talented musician. As an accomplished performer on French horn, …
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