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Motorola Xoom Honeycomb Tablet Offers Great Multitasking for Apps
Motorola’s Xoom Honeycomb tablet is a fine example of how Google overhauled its Android operating system for the larger tablet form factor. Will the Xoom sell versus the aggressively priced iPad 2?
Read more on eWeek

I have had ‘more than required’ of this.
I can’t go to sleep until I share this. First – three news articles for your perusal. Budget 2011: Grow & Share ‘gives more than required’ Mr Tharman noted that there will invariably be some families with unique circumstances, for whom the package does not fully cover increases in the cost of living this year. For those who need […]
Read more on The Temasek Review

Container Trade Predicted to Increase 9.1 Percent in 2011
Economist forecast to be featured at The Journal of Commerce Trans-Pacific Maritime (TPM) conference March 7-8 in Long Beach