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Image by Inha Leex Hale
scanner killing the bright yellow. unfortunate…

Greene County Sheriff: Craigslist Scammer Took Payments but Refused to Fulfill Contracts
Sheriff says more victims may be found in other counties The Greene County Sheriff says a Stone County man is stealing from homeowners with a Craigslist scam. Eric E. Hutchings, 44, is charged with 4 counts of felony stealing and one count of misdemeanor stealing in relation to his home improvement construction business he has been advertising on Craigslist.
Read more on KSPR Springfield

Report: Road salt contracts cost Ohio up to M
An Ohio watchdog says anticompetitive practices by two road salt companies and a misinterpretation of state law by the highway department cost the state tens of millions of dollars over 10 years.
Read more on AP via Yahoo! News

Economics, not emotion, will drive payday for Michigan’s next coach
When Dave Brandon discussed the coaching search, he stressed that it was important to pay at the market level — something U-M had not traditionally done.
Read more on Detroit Free Press