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Just in time! Heading in (and out) to 2011

Just in time! Heading in (and out) to 2011
Sure, times are tough, and everybody is angry at the government, corporate America, the entertainment industry and each other. But is that any excuse for not keeping up with what’s in and out in politics, arts, culture and life in general? Of course not. So as the year winds down, let’s put our differences aside and take a look at the things we’ve declared to be in and out in the categories of …
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New interim Rabbi in Mount Laurel
MOUNT LAUREL — Rabbi Stacy K. Offner has been selected as the new interim Rabbi of Adath Emanu-El in Mount Laurel effective Jan. 1, 2011. Offner will be officially installed at a special Installation Shabbat on Friday, Jan. 7 at 7 p.m., with Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), officiating.
Read more on Medford Central Record