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JSE: Currency futures growing fast

JSE: Currency futures growing fast
The JSE, which is listed on its own exchange and operates Africa’s largest bourse, said on Wednesday that its currency derivatives business was exploding and indicated that it was bracing for a bigger share of SA’s US$ 1.3 trillion-a-year currency derivatives market.
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Sideshow: Alycia Lane’s ’07 take: 0,000
Quick – how much do you make? We write “SideShow” for free. We don’t make anything. OK, the occasional jalapeño banana radish fudge Tastykake or half-eaten pretzel. But – some people make lots.

Jay-Z Lauches Website For Coveted Middle-Aged Superstar Demographic
Oh man, this is like Gwyneth Paltrow‘s GOOP all over again. Is Jay-Z going to have to go on Glee to show that he is of the people too? Ryan Murphy better get his “99 problems/99 Luft Balloons” mash-up ready, because Jay-Z’s lifestyle website Life + Times launched today, and it seems strictly for the […]
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