Jobs in the music industry?
Question by Pret: Jobs in the music industry?
I would like to know what some of the jobs in the music industry are. I love music and playing the guitar so i think it would be a great job to get into. But if i’m being honest i know im not that talented when it comes to playing instruments and i can’t sing so i’m looking for other jobs that would allow me to work with music with out being the one actually playing it lol
Thanks 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Dave LaBuda
You know basically the music business offers many of the very same jobs that other industries have. They have managers, accountants, computer programmers and then of course the specialized jobs like A&R and audio engineers and producers, etc. Here is a list of links that can provide other more detailed information.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=c4f9bf7f64efb33f,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=c4f9bf7f64efb33f
Understand this! It is easier today be get started in and succeed in the music business because of the Internet than ever before i the history of music. Here is an example of three young people who are not sitting around wishing or hoping they want to be performers and they are doing something about it and so are more than 12,700,000 people have seen this video and it just one of many that they have produced. You can even buy there music on iTunes.
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