Jay-Z has struck the biggest $150 million contract with Live Nation ~see details below~?
Question by latj: Jay-Z has struck the biggest 0 million contract with Live Nation ~see details below~?
He owes DefJam one more album and then will move on to LiveNation. He will have is own RocNation, an umbrella under which he will have his own label, be a music publisher and a talent consutant and managing talent. Madonna had signed on to Live Nation to a mindbending $ 120 million dollar contract earlier, only to have Jay-Z beat her out with $ 150 million for a 12 year contract. Are we beginning to overpay our rappers like we overpay our sport figures? Or is the pay comensurate with what they do? I’d like your opinion!!
Best answer:
Answer by HoT sAuCe ‘N’ gReEnS
i heard that beyonce was marrying jay-z is that true?
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