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Is there any other bands/artist looking to sue Tate Music Group?

Question by unhappy camper: Is there any other bands/artist looking to sue Tate Music Group?
I am dissatisfied with paying Tate Music Group the 2000 dollars. They promised media blast for venues played. They also offered a number of dates and never full filled one. I had a meeting with Mr. Richard Tate and He offered 2000 dollars per gig promised. I had a friend with me, and in the state of Oklahoma that is a verbal contract. I was offered over 20,000 dollars worth of investment and never received any investment that I could not obtain myself for 80 bucks. They do not stay in contact with me as promised. I have been moved from one agent to the next with big promises and have been signed at least a year and have nothing to show for it… If You know an Oklahoma lawyer or a band/artist that feels the way I do. Please contact me!!!

Best answer:

Answer by ♥
I don’t know any other band/artist that may be suing them, but I find it what they did to you is just terrible. You need to find a lawyer immediately.

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