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Is RCA on the stock market?

Question by Doctor Who: Is RCA on the stock market?
I want to look at their stocks after seeing a gadget they showed off at CES, but can’t figure out what name they’re under if they’re pubic.

Wikipedia says this: “Currently, the RCA trademark is owned by the French conglomerate Thomson SA through RCA Trademark Management S.A., a company owned by Thomson. The trademark is used by Sony Music Entertainment and Thomson SA, which licenses the name to other companies like Audiovox and TCL Corporation for products descended from that common ancestor.”

So….what company is it, as far as the stock market goes, that is releasing the Airnergy wi-fi charger?

Best answer:

Answer by Mike
The RCA brand is owned by Thomson. Ticker symbol is TMS. See

Thomson licenses the RCA brand to 3rd parties, so you may have to dig to find out who actually makes the Airnergy.

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