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Is a huge marketing scheme?

Question by kid_A: Is a huge marketing scheme?
Call me crazy, but I think that is simply a massive marketing scheme. At this point it is owned by News Corp. News Corp. is one of 6 huge corporations (the others are Viacom, NBC, Disney, Sony, and of course AOL Time Warner) that own nearly all media outlets in the U.S. including almost all major newspapers, record companies, radio stations, television channels, publishing companies, etc. (check out for more info). Anyway, these “Big 6” Corporations dropped from 10 to 6 in less than a decade, and seem to be narrowing down even more. Many people using don’t realize who owns. If users display all of th music, films, tv shows, etc. that they enjoy as well as posting pictures to display how they like to be portrayed to the rest of th world, don’t you think this is a fool-proof marketing tool for News Corp?
I wanted to add, I’m not afraid of being advertised to, it’s unavoidable. I’m also not saying “let’s get rid of myspace” i was just wondering what others thought about this.
also, i wanted to add i’m not only talking about ads on myspace. i’m saying that they own so many difrent forms of media that thy can tak this info. and advertise it to us anywhere. after all, we are exposed to 3000+ ads per day. Oh Oh good idea! I want to add a question to this question, you can answer either. Where is the best place you’ve seen an ad?

Best answer:

Answer by shawnybaby82
Dude, every frikkin think you look at in America is a huge marketing scheme. Literally. included.

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