Is it possible to make your music folder match song information you’ve fixed through itunes?
Question by Clueless: Is it possible to make your music folder match song information you’ve fixed through itunes?
So i Re-arranged,corrected and added to my itunes library by doing so i labeled by genres,album names,album artwork etc…i obviously see the changes in my itunes library however in my music folder the changes havent been made ..the problem is i’m about to sell this laptop and buy a new one i don’t want to lose my changes and start all over we’re talking about 1700+ songs..any suggestions?thanks in advance
Best answer:
Answer by Paco
There’s a really good post on how to do this here:
He covers a number of different situations, depending on what you have available to you, how big it is, etc. 1700 songs might fit on a USB stick.
Here’s something important, since you’re going to sell your laptop. You need to go into iTunes and choose Store->Deauthorise this computer. (Do that after you’ve got all your music moved over and you’re satisfied that everything’s done well). You’re only allowed to authorise 5 machines at a time. If you give the laptop to someone else, you can’t deauthorise it after they’ve got it. Especially if they reformat the hard drive.
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