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Is an Apple Powerbook G4 sufficient for music production?

Question by ithinkiwannanostuff: Is an Apple Powerbook G4 sufficient for music production?
I need a used laptop specifically for music and music production. All I will really be using on it is Garageband and Itunes and the internet, so I don’t think it is necessary to buy a new macbook. I play guitar am and in a band, and I am looking at used computers in the 350-550 dollar range. If anyone does not think that the powerbook is effecient, please reccomend another, and it would be convienent if it were affordable.

Best answer:

Answer by Robbie S
It is over-efficient. You can easily support garageband with a lower-end mac, millions of people have. Plus powerbooks are absurdly priced. You’ll have about 4x the necessary processor speed, 8x the necessary ram, etc

If you’ve got the dough, no reason to say no.

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