iPod Classic 160 GB is corrupted; I’ve done all I can think of to fix this but can’t Please read on & help?
Question by Nightlife Commando: iPod Classic 160 GB is corrupted; I’ve done all I can think of to fix this but can’t Please read on & help?
So I was synchronizing my iPod, and it failed, so it was left with no music on it. This has happened before, I usually just re-sync it and all is well. But this time, iTunes froze up. So i closed it via Windows Task Manager, and when I re-opened it, all of my iTunes music was gone. The files were still intact, but the library was empty.
I spent a while re-adding my music, and now my iTunes is fine with all my music on it. But when I went to sync my iPod again, it froze iTunes and my computer. It wasn’t until I unplugged my iPod until my computer unfroze and recognized the iPod.
So basically, I can’t restore it via iTunes or do a disk check because the computer freezes on me when I plug in the iPod. I’ve tried plugging in the iPod to a different computer, but the same thing occurred.
I also tried going to Computer Management in the Control Panel to go to Devices and edit the iPod settings when I plugged in my iPod. I uninstalled the iPod software and reinstalled it the next time I plugged it in, but the same thing happened.
Any ideas, or should I take this into a professional?
If you could star so that your contacts see this question, I’d greatly appreciate it. I’m going crazy without my iPod!
See, the problem is that I can’t restore it to original/factory settings because iTunes crashes whenever I plug in the iPod.
Best answer:
Answer by Karl Loves X Japan
Wow Dude, I’m sorry, that blow chunks. If I were you unless You get some good advice here I’d get a professional to look at it.
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