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– – Indie Record Labels – -?

Question by I sold the world: – – Indie Record Labels – -?
If a band presents a demo/album to an indie label and they tell u change some parts in most of the songs(i.e certain riffs, a verse, etc etc). So then u do that but what if its still not to their satisfaction? What would they do in your opinion? Would they cancel the contract?

Indie Labels not major.

Best answer:

Answer by Gremlin
The band: If I were in the band and the record label wasn’t happy with it, I’d refuse to change a thing and go and find another label. After all, it’s the band’s music, they should be able to play exactly how they want.

The label: I’d suggest a way to improve the part of the song so that the band has something to work on, but I wouldn’t cancel. I’d be patient and give the band time to perfect it.

I know that I’m sort of contradicting myself with these two opinions, but I’m just trying to see it from both points of view.

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