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I’m trying to locate my cousin Filex Tito Trinidad,My grandfather`s nephew?

Question by j.gwillcook4u: I’m trying to locate my cousin Filex Tito Trinidad,My grandfather`s nephew?
I have spoke to him back in 1978 when i last visted P.R. With my family , Would like to get intouch with filex in regards to his music company , Trinidad Records, and help myself & a real talented friend to a record deal /contract with his label or someother music Co. Please respond to me at or call my cell#(315)515-1045 Thank you, Your`s Truly Jose`Enrique Garcia/&Famila

Best answer:

Answer by SnoopOnerrr
holy crap lol u know him?? hey, when u get in touch wit him, can u get my a autograph of him?? my name is carlos, this is my email thanks

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