I’m looking at making a local band compilations cd. Copywright laws? Disc manufact.? Funding?
Question by ramalamadingdong: I’m looking at making a local band compilations cd. Copywright laws? Disc manufact.? Funding?
I would like some info on how to go about with the legalities of compiling songs for the disc. I don’t beleive any of the bands in mind our bound by any record contracts, but to protect their music down the road, how would they or I go about doing so. also, what/where would be a cheap route to having the disc made. I would like them to be of at least semi-professional quality, meaning, I don’t care to do this on cd-r’s on my computer and I would like to have them printed with either a pic or at least the title. Not the sticker type you can buy at wal-mart. I’ve thought of even going with vinyl records if would be more cost effective. this would also give it a more “cult” type vibe, which would be cool. lastly, some idea’s on how to fund said project. I’ve thought of trying local businesses for a donation, and they could then be the “storefront” to sell the comp. example, if “Joe Blows bar”, (I figured the bars that these bands play in would be a good business to try), gives x-amount of $ , they get x-maount of copies to either sell/give away/promote their establishment, what have you. I’ve also considered going the donation route, “All proceeds from sales goes to ???? charity”. or should i say “All profits…”? Maybe a local charity would intice them even more? I don’t care to make any money of the thing myself, so take that out of the equation. My wife suggested just asking the bands themselves to put up the money. i dunno? what do you think? Thanks
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