If I get a entertainment license can I have people pay over $100?
Question by Life: If I get a entertainment license can I have people pay over 0?
I am a DJ for a starting up company. And it is called Lanesboro Universal Entertainment. I am 15 years old girl in the state of Massachusetts. So if I get a entertainment license can I have people pay me over $ 100? Like $ 85 for 1 hour of music and $ 15 for 1 hour of lighting. So for a $ 400 gig in all. So can I do it if I get a entertainment license? And don’t say that I am too young because one of my friend’s have a entertainment company. And he was the same age as me when he started too. His company name is Ultimate Entertainment Adams.
Best answer:
Answer by loves christmas lights
You may charge any amount you want, by getting the liscense you agree to pay taxes on your money that you take in. So make sure your up to your state and fed regulations on how to do that.
If your friend is already doing it, then why ask here?
Its very possible your business liscense, is all you need, unless clubs have specifically told you that you need an entertainment liscense. Your school will have to give permission and fill out paperwork for you to have student work permit, so get working on that before school closes.
You need to do a legal name check, to make sure no other business has ever used that name, and file a ficticious business name posting in a newspaper too. Usually your town paper is cheaper to do this than say the New York Times or larger paper.
Its more than getting a liscence, either do it all the way, or just DJ when a friend needs one.
As a business, instead of a friend of someone holding their wedding reception at the local golf course, the golf course will want your liability insurance information, incase you drop and damage thier floors or whatever.
Its so much easier to do it as a friend of people than a business at this age. Clubs are not going to let you, as a minor come in and spin ok, the facilities own insurance policy will not allow a minor on the premises, especially in a work detail.
You got lots to learn. I think its awesome you want to start your own company!! Good luck to you!!!
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