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I want to start a small music production company & I would like to know what steps do i take to get it going?

Question by Cris: I want to start a small music production company & I would like to know what steps do i take to get it going?
DBA / having ownership of a business name no one else can claim / Music business/Production company etc.

Best answer:

Answer by TM Express™
You’ve got a couple of different issues here; let’s tackle them one at a time.

Music Production:

The best routes to take are to research the process of starting a business as well as the industry you’re interested in.

I recommend checking out the SBA, Entrepreneur, The Start Up Journal & Nolo. All 4 are great informational resources for the new/small business owner. I posted links for you in the source box.

Associations may be a good avenue to explore. These organizations will address many of the thoughts, questions and concerns you’ll inevitably have as well as many you haven’t anticipated yet. See the source box for some relevant links.

Research, research, research – this cannot be stressed enough. Read as much as you can about the industry. Here are some book titles that are relevant:

* The Art Of Music Production 3rd Edition by Richard James Burgess
* 101 Music Business Contracts by Platinum Millennium
* The Art of Producing by David Gibson

I also posted links to some free articles in the source box.


To protect a business name within your industry, you would apply for a trademark.

Trademarks can be names of products or services, logos, slogans, packaging and even sounds and smells. In essence, a trademark can be almost anything that is used to identify a particular product or service. Registering a trademark grants the owner exclusive rights to the mark within the specified industry.

Of course, it’s necessary to research the mark comprehensively prior to filing to ensure that there is no possibility of infringing upon another party.

This entails searching the pending & registered Federal and State trademark files as well as the US National Common-Law files. Then, if clear, you can decide if you would like to file for a Federal or a State trademark.

To register a trademark, that’s done either through your Secretary of State for a State trademark or the US Patent & Trademark Office for a Federal trademark.

If you are only conducting business in one state, then a State trademark is most appropriate. If you conduct (OR are planning to conduct) business in at least 2 states OR between the US & any other country, you can file for a Federal trademark.

Hope that helps! I wish you much success & happiness in all your ventures!

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