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I want to distribute my band’s recordings, but I do not know how, what is the best way to get my music places?

Question by SteveN: I want to distribute my band’s recordings, but I do not know how, what is the best way to get my music places?
I really want to get my band’s music out there, but I do not know how. I want to know the absolute best place to go for my music to get out in the world and recognized. (we are a black metal band, so it would be pretty hard anyways.) I really need help with the distribution. Thanks for answers.

Best answer:

Answer by *~ ♥ Ivory Loves Ebony ♥~*
Youtube mate. Seriously, you might have to pay some money out of pocket to do some advertising but Youtube is a really good way to get exposure. Have a facebook page as well. Talk to the local DJ’s where you live, do they have something like local talent night, if they do that is another good way to get exposure. Also play gigs, playing dives ain’t fun but it gets you out there. Everyone has got to start somewhere and crap pubs are as good as any place. Try college towns, college kids love to discover new music. Give out copies of your CD’s to friends and fans.

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